about us

safe, regulated and quality-driven services

Colden Care is a provider of Residential Care Services for Separated Children Seeking International Protection in Ireland.

Colden Care was established in 2023 in response to the growing requirements of Tusla Child & Family Agency to provide safe, regulated and quality-driven services for these children and young people.

All our centres are registered with Tusla and are subject to regular inspection

Who are we helping

Separated children seeking international protection

Separated children seeking international protection are defined as children under eighteen years of age who are outside their country of origin, who may be in need of international protection and are separated from their parents or their legal/customary care giver.

Our Mission

“At Colden Care we aim to provide the highest quality of care and service to all our residents. We promote our residents’ rights as they migrate alone in search of safety. We hold the dignity and respect of our residents at the forefront, and we welcome belonging”.

Why choose us

Our service is operated to the

highest standards

best practice

regulatory requirements

At Colden Care we recognise the immense undertaking these children have endured in having to leave their homeland in search of safety and the enormity of the challenges they face.

Contact us

If you have any questions please contact us

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Email us.


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